I have experience, training and certification
I have several years as a birth doula and experience working with babies, and families. I am continuously expanding my knowledge by attending trainings for birth professionals, countless hours researching birth options and procedures, and learning new skills to help you during labor!
I believe in teamwork
I am part of YOUR team! I work together with your birth partner and you, as well as your doctor or midwife. I enjoy the professional ties I make with the many midwives, obstetricians and nurses in our community. As part of your birth team you get a doula working for you.
I am reliable
A great benefit to hiring Tiny Miracles is having not one but two doulas at the ready! If for any reason I am not available to be at your birth I have a back up doula ready to go in my place. You have the opportunity to know both of your doulas equally, and feel comfortable and secure knowing that we both are devoted to you and your family.
I love and know our community
I love living in the beautiful city of Billings, and have knowledge of many community resources available.
I support the birth you want
I offer bias free support for you, your birth and your parenting goals. I want to help you achieve the birth you desire, with the support you deserve. I want you to feel confident as you transition to parenthood.
Many studies confirm that when a doula is
Mothers are
• 28% less likely to have a cesarean section
• 31% less likely to use synthetic oxytocin to speed up labor
• 41% less likely to need forceps or vacuum extraction during delivery
• 9% less likely to use any pain medication (like an epidural) during labor
• 34% less likely to rate their childbirth experience negatively
• Less likely to need their water broken artificially or have an episiotomy
• Less likely to experience anxiety in labor and delivery or postpartum depression
• More satisfied with their birth experience
• More likely to have a faster labor and delivery
Babies are
• More likely to have shorter hospital stays with fewer admissions to special care nurseries
• More likely to breastfeed easier and longer
• Less likely to have a low APGAR score or experience decreased heart rate or labored respiration